

With the introduction of heavier cameras and bulky lens systems on Drama and film style shoots, the Jimmy Jib was beginning to suffer from bounce in certain circumstances due to its steel cable head rigging. Dave began to investigate ways of minimising these challenges, and after many modifications and trying different crane arms has introduced the Grip Factory Munich GF-9 crane as an alternative to the Jimmy Jib. This crane is a beautifully built - strong but lightweight system which does away with cables and uses rigid rods and bars to allow more stability and therefore smoother shots, ideally suited to large format cameras in motion used on Drama shoots.

The GF-9 is a modular system which allows for rapid rigging and de-rigging from 6ft reach to 32ft reach with a camera capable of 30-45kg depending on length.
The GF-9 is supplied at the same price as the Jimmy Jib along with the following equipment, Dave as operator and assistant with no additional charges:


High Definition Monitors Bespoke Double Sided Head Batteries and Inverter for field use Grip Factory Base 3 Wheel Base Specialist Off Road 4 Wheel Base, with Pneumatic Wheels
Also available to hire along with standard kit (additional charges apply):
7” Prompt monitor Stanton Jimmy Jib straight track Specialist 8 wheel tracking wheels 4 Wheel Tracking Base Dutch Head Jib Gator


Having worked for 31 years in the television and film industry, Dave has vast experience of what it is like working on location, including working in extreme conditions and challenging environments and he takes health and safety very seriously. Dave holds an up to date BBC safety passport and produces a risk assessment for every job.
The equipment is tested annually under LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) and Dave is fully up to date with regards to the current regulations and guidelines implemented by the Health and Safety Executive.
As a limited company, David J Brice Ltd has public liability insurance up to £10 million, as well as employers & equipment insurance.